National B-THENET Centres
Check out our Best Beekeeping Practices on the categories:
Infographics on Good Beekeeping Practices
Find the Right Spot for Your Apiary
B-THENET_Infographic 1_Setting-up apiaries in an area accessible to vehicles
B-THENET_Infographic 3_Avoiding areas exposed to excessive humidity and wind
B-THENET_Infographic 6_Having enough space for storage rooms_working tools
B-THENET_Infographic 7_Keeping safe distance from houses_villages
Setting Up the Apiary
B-THENET_Infographic 10_Seasonally relocating the apiary
B-THENET_Infographic 11_ Proper positioning of the hive
B-THENET_Infographic 12_Avoiding obstacles for the bees
Infographics on Biosecurity Measures
B-THENET_Infographic 23_Catching mites in brood frames
B-THENET_Infographic 24_Brood Removal
B-THENET_Infographic 25_Queen caging
B-THENET_Infographic 26_Heat treatment
How to Use Organic Anti-Varroa Treatments
B-THENET_Infographic 15_ Assessment of varroa infestation level during the beekeeping season
Using Low-Impact Compounds Properly
B-THENET_Infographic 17_Use of oxalic acid – Trickling
B-THENET_Infographic 19_Use of oxalic acid – Sublimation
B-THENET_Infographic 21_Use of formic acid
B-THENET_Infographic 22_Use of thymol
Guidelines for Advisors
International B-THENET Centres
Factsheet 01 – Methodology for the analysis of practices
Factsheet_02 – Validating Best Beekeeping Practices