Öppet hus Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet

SLU Ekologicentrum Ulls väg 16, Uppsala, Uppsala

Lördagen 21 oktober kl 10–16, SLU Ekologicentrum, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Ulls Väg 16, Uppsala. Som ett initiativ för att stärka forskning och utbildning kring honungsbin i Sverige håller ett nytt centrum på att etableras på SLU. Centret ska bli en plattform för forskare inom biodling, vilda bin och pollinering och dagen är en kick-off för samarbetet […]

National B-THENET Event – Italy


EVENTO B-THENET Scarica la locandina La piattaforma dell’Apicoltore Europeo 26 Ottobre 2023 Ore 17.30 – 19.30 IZSLT Roma, Sala Zavagli Via Appia Nuova 1411, 00178 Roma 17.30   Giovanni Formato (IZSLT) Apertura dei lavori 17.40   Filippo Iannoni-Sebastianini (APIMONDIA) e Riccardo Babini (Associazione Romagnola Apicoltori) – Centro B-THENET Italia Saluti e introduzione del progetto B-THENET […]


National B-THENET Event – Italy


EVENTO B-THENET Scarica la locandina La piattaforma dell’Apicoltore Europeo 2 Novembre 2023 Ore 17.30 – 19.30 IZSLT Roma, Sala Zavagli Via Appia Nuova 1411, 00178 Roma 17.30   Giovanni Formato (IZSLT) Apertura dei lavori 17.40   Filippo Iannoni-Sebastianini (APIMONDIA) e Riccardo Babini (Associazione Romagnola Apicoltori) – Centro B-THENET Italia Saluti e introduzione del progetto B-THENET […]


National B-THENET Event – Slovenia


Predstavitev B-thenet projekta v Sloveniji. Predstavitev platforme in različnih čebelarskih praks. Predstavitev kako se čebelarji lahko vključijo v platformo in sodelujejo pri iskanju najboljših čebelarskih praks.

eurobee 2023: Vortrag zum Projekt B-THENET

14:30 bis 15:40 Uhr: B-THENET: Ein Vergleich der besten Managementpraktiken in der Bienenzucht in den EU-Ländern Inhalt des Vortrags: Im Rahmen eines EU-Projekts vergleichen und kontrastieren wir die besten Imkerpraktiken in 15 EU-Ländern. Jedes Jahr werden zwanzig verschiedene bewährte Praktiken auf eine Plattform hochgeladen und von Imkern und Imkerinnen bewertet. Um die Varroa-Diagnosemethoden zu verbessern, […]

National B-THENET events – Italy

Le Buone Pratiche Apistiche e le Misure di Biosicurezza in Apicoltura: Definiamole insieme! 14-15-20-21 Novembre 2023 Ore 15.30 – 19.00 IN PRESENZA: IZSLT Roma, Sala Zavagli, Via Appia Nuova 1411, 00178 Roma WEBINAR: https://izslt.webex.com/meet/beemeetings Scarica la locandina

National B-THENET events – Italy

SERIE EVENTI B-THENET Le Buone Pratiche Apistiche e le Misure di Biosicurezza in Apicoltura: Definiamole insieme! 14-15-20-21 Novembre 2023 Ore 15.30 – 19.00 IN PRESENZA: IZSLT Roma, Sala Zavagli, Via Appia Nuova 1411, 00178 Roma WEBINAR: https://izslt.webex.com/meet/beemeetings Scarica la locandina

TRAINING for Assistant Official Veterinarians on bee health legislation

Institute of Postgraduate Education of Veterinary Surgeons Kosice, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

This training is for AOV contractors, which is sponsored and organized by the Institute of Postgraduate Education of Veterinary Surgeons Košice - ŠVPS SR and will be held on 25 November 2023. The topic of the training will be legislation in the field of bee health and bee products (Veterinary Act, legislation in the field […]

B-THENET Workshop: Availability of Veterinary Medicinal Products for use in beekeeping in the EU

Meeting Room A, Copa-Cogeca, Rue de Trèves 61, Brussels Rue de Trèves 61, Brussels, Belgium

AGENDA Presentations available: Iatridou Formato Las Heras Gyorffy Hédon   Location:  Meeting Room A, Copa-Cogeca, Rue de Trèves 61, Brussels Meeting link: https://izslt.webex.com/izslt/j.php?MTID=mf9e15df3cb14bfc481c21ff4bc93775c Number of the meeting (access code): 2743 761 3937 Password: Ksjb2Vw3wb2 (57522893 from phones and video systems) Moderator: Noa Simon Delso, Chair of the International B-THENET Center for other stakeholders (BEELIFE)
