National B-THENET Event Italy
14:30 bis 15:40 Uhr: B-THENET: Ein Vergleich der besten Managementpraktiken in der Bienenzucht in den EU-Ländern Inhalt des Vortrags: Im Rahmen eines EU-Projekts vergleichen und kontrastieren wir die besten Imkerpraktiken in 15 EU-Ländern. Jedes Jahr werden zwanzig verschiedene bewährte Praktiken auf eine Plattform hochgeladen und von Imkern und Imkerinnen bewertet. Um die Varroa-Diagnosemethoden zu verbessern, […]
Le Buone Pratiche Apistiche e le Misure di Biosicurezza in Apicoltura: Definiamole insieme! 14-15-20-21 Novembre 2023 Ore 15.30 – 19.00 IN PRESENZA: IZSLT Roma, Sala Zavagli, Via Appia Nuova 1411, 00178 Roma WEBINAR: Scarica la locandina
Praktyczne szkolenie dla pszczelarzy na temat dobrych praktyk wyłonionych w ramach projektu B-THENET (Horizon Europe) dotyczących zakładania pasieki i zwalczania Varroa.
SERIE EVENTI B-THENET Le Buone Pratiche Apistiche e le Misure di Biosicurezza in Apicoltura: Definiamole insieme! 14-15-20-21 Novembre 2023 Ore 15.30 – 19.00 IN PRESENZA: IZSLT Roma, Sala Zavagli, Via Appia Nuova 1411, 00178 Roma WEBINAR: Scarica la locandina
The workshop will be held in person in Banska Bystrica on the 24th of November 2023. It is aimed at solving the most important problems of bee health. Attendance is for invited beekeepers only.
This training is for AOV contractors, which is sponsored and organized by the Institute of Postgraduate Education of Veterinary Surgeons Košice - ŠVPS SR and will be held on 25 November 2023. The topic of the training will be legislation in the field of bee health and bee products (Veterinary Act, legislation in the field […]
AGENDA Presentations available: Iatridou Formato Las Heras Gyorffy Hédon Location: Meeting Room A, Copa-Cogeca, Rue de Trèves 61, Brussels Meeting link: Number of the meeting (access code): 2743 761 3937 Password: Ksjb2Vw3wb2 (57522893 from phones and video systems) Moderator: Noa Simon Delso, Chair of the International B-THENET Center for other stakeholders (BEELIFE)
This is a webinar held in MS Teams that is focused on the diseases of bees and bee brood. Training of beekeepers in best beekeeping practices validated within B-THENET project. Webinár bude realizovaný prostredníctvom MS Teams a bude zameraný na choroby včiel a včelieho plodu. Oboznámenie včelárov s najlepšími včelárskymi praktikami validovanými počas B-THENET projektu. […]
The EU CAP Network Workshop ‘National networking for innovation’ will take place in Tallinn, Estonia, from Thursday 30 November to Friday 1 December 2023. It targets Network Support Units (NSU) from the National CAP Networks, national and regional Managing Authorities, and AKIS Coordination Bodies. Participation in this workshop is by invitation only. Specific objectives discuss […]
To B-THENET Κέντρο στην Ελλάδα σας προσκαλεί σε μία ενημερωτική εκδήλωση συζήτηση, στο πλαίσιο του 14ου Φεστιβάλ και Συνέδριου Ελληνικού Μελιού.
Podujatie je určené pre včelárov. Témou prednášky bude zdravotná situácia ohľadom moru včelieho plodu na Slovensku a možnosti prevencie tohto ochorenia z pohľadu včelára. Konať sa bude v Banskej Bystrici na SOŠ Pod Bánošom 19.1.2024. This event is aimed at beekeepers. Topic of this presentation will be the health situation concerning american foulbroon in Slovakia […]